client login help

Client Login Help

Having trouble accessing your Parametric account?

Here are our fixes for some common login problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

I didn't receive an activation email

You should have received an email from the address with a code to activate your account. If you didn't receive an activation email, your email service may be blocking our domain. Ask your IT department to whitelist the Use the form below to contact our support team.

My activation code is expired

Your activation code will remain active for seven days after you receive it and expire afterward. If your code expires, use the form below to contact our support team and request a new code.

I want to create a secure password

The password for your Parametric account should meet the following criteria:

A minimum of 10 characters

At least one uppercase letter

At least one lowercase letter

At least one number

At least one special character (such as *, @, #, !, etc.)

I forgot my password

On the login screen, click Forgot password? and enter your email address. We’ll send you a safe method to recover your username and create a new password.

I can't find an account

Please use the contact form below to request access. Please provide account name(s) and partial (last 4 digits) account number(s) for the account(s) you wish to have visibility for.


Changes will be reflected one day after our systems are updated as they sync overnight.


Fill in the fields below, and we’ll contact you as soon as possible. You can also email our support team.