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Fixed Income

Parametric’s fixed income solutions provide a customizable, transparent, and rules-based approach to bond portfolios for organizations. A solution exists for every client, and if it doesn’t, we create one.

Fixed income investigated. Our weekly updates will keep you on top of rates, inflation, and much more.

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Institutions need predictable income and the diversification that its holdings provide, especially in an uncertain interest rate environment. Parametric offers comprehensive and flexible fixed income solutions that can be easily tailored to the needs of your organization.

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Fixed income professionals

As of 6/30/2024

Winner: 2023 US Markets Choice Award Icon

Winner: 2023 US Markets Choice Award

Best Buy-Side Fixed Income Trading Desk

What we offer

We’re a full-service consultative partner to implement portfolio exposures and risk management in a flexible, cost-effective, and timely manner. Portfolios can be benchmark oriented or alpha seeking. They include physical fixed income collateral for large overlay programs, various fixed income derivative implementations, and different factors applications and ESG themes to meet overall portfolio needs.

Ways we apply our expertise

  • Cash Management
  • Fixed Income Ladders
  • Overlay
  • Municipal/US Treasury Crossover
  • Responsible Fixed Income
  • Liability-Driven Investing
  • Custom Indexing

Core sectors

Fixed income institutional solutions overview

Want to know more about the fixed income strategies we offer to institutions? Download our overview.

Explore our fixed income solutions

Why use Parametric’s institutional fixed income solutions?


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You’re supported by, and have access to, our large team of investment professionals, including portfolio managers, strategists, and research analysts, so we can offer collaboration at every level.


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Our in-house team of experienced credit analysts do the fundamental research to select securities and provide ongoing monitoring to help you reduce credit risk.

ESG integration

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You can apply the same ESG criteria to your bonds as you do to the stock portion of your portfolio.


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We use proprietary portfolio construction models and tools to build customized solutions, buy and sell bonds at attractive prices, and carefully manage systematic risk that is unique to your plans.

Frequently asked questions

With short-term interest rates reaching multidecade highs, are my existing cash investments appropriate for this new environment?

In many cases, we find institutional investors can benefit from a customized cash or ultrashort SMA solution that has the potential to lower costs and add yield. These cash securities can serve the dual purpose of margin and collateral for overlay clients with any derivative exposures, increasing capital efficiency in the overlay program.
I manage a multi-employer plan that recently accepted SFA funds and needs guidance on how to best invest them. Can you help?

We feel a portfolio of high-quality corporate bonds with a low probability of downgrade or default risk that seeks to cash-flow match projected liabilities might be appropriate. For more information from our fixed income experts, read our SFA FAQ.
My plan’s funded status has improved significantly with the rise in long-term interest rates. Is there a way to reduce interest rate risk and preserve my funded status?

Status volatility can be reduced and interest rate risk can be hedged by using a variety of funded and unfunded instruments. Visit our Liability-Driven Investing page for more information.
I’m concerned about my cost of leverage with climbing short-term interest rates. How do I best think about my cost of borrowing?

The cost of leverage has spiked dramatically over the past year, and it’s more important than ever to understand and have access to different sources of borrowing and to be efficient at managing leverage. Visit our Overlay page for more information from our experts.


Laddered Interest Rate Scenario Tool

Discover the impact of changing interest rates on laddered municipal and corporate bond portfolios.



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