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Centralized Portfolio Management

Multimanager portfolios offer institutional investors a variety of benefits, but efficiently managing the portfolio can present ongoing challenges.

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Our centralized portfolio management (CPM) process seeks to simplify and enhance investment transition and implementation. CPM managers and clients have centralized visibility of full portfolio assets, allowing for improved risk-management capabilities and more timely responses to information requests. 

Why choose Parametric?


Total firm AUM




Dedicated CPM investment professionals


Directed brokerage relationships

As of 6/30/2024

How it works

How it works graphic how it works ring graphic

Within a multistyle portfolio, institutional investors can choose their preferred managers. The operational activities of opening, closing, trading, and maintaining accounts are centralized between Parametric and the program sponsor, allowing for maximum coordination and customization.

Efficient multimanager implementation

Our CPM approach is designed to solve common multimanager portfolio challenges. Because multiple strategies are held in one account, we can offset trades by each of the underlying managers, reducing custody and trading costs while providing lower turnover and consolidated cash flows to reduce cash drag.

Multimanager implementation table efficient multimanager table mobile

Intended benefits of centralized portfolio management

Maximum coordination icon

Maximum coordination

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CPM centralizes the operational activities of opening, closing, trading, and maintaining accounts between Parametric and the program sponsor.

ESG integration icon

ESG integration

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Our custom solutions allow institutions to select bonds that align with their ESG policy objectives.

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We make it easy to implement factor completions, tactical decisions, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) guidelines.

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Lower costs

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Holding multiple strategies in one account offsets trades by each underlying manager, reducing custody and trading costs while providing lower turnover.

Get in touch

Want to know more about our Centralized Portfolio Management solutions?

More to explore

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Liability-driven investing, Market activity, Institutional investor
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Fixed income, Market activity, Institutional investor, Wealth manager, +1
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Fixed income, Inflation, Market activity, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +2
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Commodity, Inflation, Market activity, Institutional investor, Wealth manager, +2
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Fixed income, Wealth manager, Institutional investor
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What Is Impact Investing?

Gwen Le Berre}
Lauren Kashmanian}

Impact investing may be the key to generating measurable social or environmental benefits while also fueling healthy financial return.

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Responsible investing-SRI-ESG, Equities, Fixed income, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +2
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Liability-driven investing, Volatility, Overlay, Fixed income, Commodity, Options, Institutional investor, +4
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Commodity, Inflation, Market activity, Institutional investor, Wealth manager, +2
Blog post

2024 Fixed Income Outlook: A Happy New Year for Bonds

Evan Rourke}
Bernie Scozzafava}

Delayed market trends have investors wondering what will happen in 2024. Read why we think bond investors could have a happy new year.

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Fixed income, Market activity, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +1
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Commodity, Volatility, Institutional investor, Wealth manager, +1
Blog post

Bonds Are Back: What Are You Waiting For?

Bernie Scozzafava}
Kevin  Lynyak}

With interest rates rising to attractive levels, we believe it’s time to take advantage of a potentially overlooked opportunity. Find out why.

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Fixed income, Market activity, Volatility, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +2
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Responsible investing-SRI-ESG, Wealth manager, Institutional investor
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Market activity, Options, Volatility, Institutional investor, +1
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Consider New Ways to Invest Margin Cash and Capture Rising Yields

Brian Barney}
Chris Haskamp}

With Treasury yields on the rise, it’s time for institutions to reevaluate their cash positions. See the potentially improved efficiency of an overlay program.

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Overlay, Institutional investor
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Liability-driven investing, Market activity, Institutional investor
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Commodity, Inflation, Market activity, Institutional investor, Wealth manager, +2
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Fixed income, Volatility, Tax management, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +2
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Fixed income, Market activity, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +1
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Fixed income, Wealth manager, Institutional investor
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Inflation, Market activity, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +1
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Emerging markets, Wealth manager, Institutional investor
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Equities, Factors, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +1
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How the Municipal Bond Market Funds Climate Solutions

Lauren Kashmanian}

What role can the municipal bond market play in addressing climate change?

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Fixed income, Market activity, Responsible investing-SRI-ESG, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +2
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Commodity, Inflation, Market activity, Institutional investor, Wealth manager, +2
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What’s Behind the Disconnect Between Coupon Income and Yield?

Bernie Scozzafava}
John Hemingway}

Laddered bond portfolios aim to make income more predictable. What’s happening when income and yield diverge? Get the answer.

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Fixed income, Market activity, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +1
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A Corporate Pension Inflection Point: Minding the Yield Curve

Richard Fong}
David Phillips}

Plan sponsors may be in a better position than ever to preserve funded status. Explore retooling pension plans to better manage curve risk.

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Liability-driven investing, Institutional investor
Blog post

Climbing Out of Cash with a Bond Ladder

Bernie Scozzafava}

How can investors lock in high rates with reduced risk?

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Fixed income, Volatility, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +1
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Fixed income, Responsible investing-SRI-ESG, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +1
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Volatility, Market activity, Equities, Institutional investor, Wealth manager, +2
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Liability-driven investing, Volatility, Overlay, Fixed income, Commodity, Options, Institutional investor, +4
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2023 LDI Outlook: It’s All About Balance

David Phillips}

Strike the right balance between risk and reward in pension plan funding.

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Liability-driven investing, Institutional investor
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Why Investors Should Look Beyond Indexes for Commodity Exposure

Greg Liebl}
Adam Swinney}

Can commodities help in times of high inflation?

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Commodity, Inflation, Institutional investor, Wealth manager, +1
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Interesting Times: Exploring the Three Rs of Fixed Income

Bernie Scozzafava}
Evan Rourke}

What do the three Rs of fixed income investing tell us about what to expect? We see signs of stabilization ahead.

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Fixed income, Wealth manager, Institutional investor
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Inflation, Market activity, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +1
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What Can the UK’s LDI Turmoil Teach US Pensions?

David Phillips}
Richard Fong}

The UK gilts curve shock highlights the importance of liquidity in pension plans.

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Liability-driven investing, Overlay, Institutional investor
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Commodity, Market activity, Volatility, Institutional investor, Wealth manager, +2
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Market activity, Commodity, Volatility, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +2
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Responsible investing-SRI-ESG, Institutional investor, Wealth manager
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Responsible investing-SRI-ESG, Wealth manager, Institutional investor
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Midyear Bond Outlook: A Stable Ladder in Uncertain Times

Bernie Scozzafava}
Evan Rourke}

How can bond investors stay ahead of rising rates?

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Fixed income, Institutional investor, Wealth manager
Blog post

Fighting Fire: How Commodities Help Beat Back the Flames of Inflation

Greg Liebl}
Adam Swinney}

Can commodities help in times of high inflation?

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Commodity, Inflation, Institutional investor, Wealth manager, +1
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Fixed income, Market activity, Responsible investing-SRI-ESG, Volatility, Wealth manager, Institutional investor, +3
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Commodity, Futures, Market activity, Volatility, Institutional investor, Wealth manager, +3
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Liability-driven investing, Institutional investor
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Direct indexing, Emerging markets, Equities, Market activity, Tax management, Volatility, Institutional investor, Wealth manager, +5